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Magento 2: Maximum Discount Amount

Setting a maximum discount amount for promotions on an e-commerce platform is crucial for maintaining profitability and protecting the business's bottom line. It helps to prevent excessive discounting that could erode margins and devalue products. Additionally, it ensures consistency in pricing strategy and prevents potential revenue loss. Moreover, it fosters customer trust by establishing clear and fair discounting practices, enhancing brand reputation and loyalty. Lastly, it enables effective budget management by limiting the financial impact of promotional activities while still incentivizing purchases. Implementing a "maximum discount amount" customization on core Magento can significantly enhance the platform's flexibility and control over promotional activities. Please follow the below steps to add this feature: Add a new column on salesrule table using db_schema.xml <schema xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNames
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Unlocking Success: The Vital Role of the Contact Us Page in E-commerce

In the dynamic realm of e-commerce, where digital transactions reign supreme, the significance of customer communication cannot be overstated. Amidst the plethora of factors influencing the success of an online store, one often overlooked yet fundamentally important element is the Contact Us page. This seemingly humble corner of a website holds immense power, serving as a linchpin in fostering trust, resolving issues, and nurturing customer relationships. Let's delve deeper into why the Contact Us page is not just an afterthought but a strategic asset for e-commerce businesses, backed by proven data. Building Trust and Credibility Trust is the cornerstone of any successful e-commerce venture. According to a survey conducted by Edelman, 81% of consumers say that trusting a brand to do what is right is a deciding factor in their purchasing decisions. A prominently displayed Contact Us page with clear contact information, including a physical address, phone number, and email address,

A Comprehensive Guide to Configuring Currency in Magento

Configuring currency settings in Magento is crucial for any e-commerce store that operates in multiple countries or deals with customers using different currencies. Correctly setting up currencies ensures smooth transactions and enhances the user experience. In this guide, we'll walk through the steps to configure currency in Magento, helping you tailor your store to meet the needs of your diverse customer base. Step 1: Accessing Currency Configuration To begin, log in to your Magento admin panel. Once logged in, navigate to the Stores tab located on the left-hand side menu. From the dropdown menu under the Stores tab, select Configuration. This will take you to the configuration panel where you can adjust various settings for your Magento store. Step 2: General Currency Settings In the Configuration panel, locate the General section and click on Currency Setup. Here, you'll find options to configure your store's base currency, allowed currencies, and currency rates. Base C

Magento Cloud - How to connect to Opensearch/Elasticsearch

The magento-cloud CLI tool allows developers and system administrators to manage Cloud projects and environments, conduct routines, and run automated activities. The magento-cloud CLI expands on the features and functionality of the Project Web Interface. After installing the magento-cloud CLI on your local machine, you can use it to administer your Adobe Commerce on Cloud Infrastructure Starter and Pro Integration environments. To install the magento-cloud CLI tool on your local, please follow this link. Once you have CLI installed on your local machine, you will have access to all the commands provided by the Magento cloud team for accessing or managing the project from your local machine. After installing CLI, you can use a command magento-cloud tunnel:single to connect to the dependent app of Magento like Redis, OpenSearch & Database. You can execute  magento-cloud tunnel:single  command with multiple variables where you can pass the project code, environment name, etc. Pleas

Magento Cloud - Export Data from Production Database

When working for an organization, there are times when you need to export data from the production database. Ideally, you should build a report or export option in Magento admin for this information. However, these are one-time data for which developing a module or backend functionality is not worthwhile. So, for this circumstance, follow the procedures below to retrieve data from the database. Assuming you already know how to do ssh login to the production server. So let's start with logging into your server. Once you log in follow the below steps: Get Database credentials Once you log in, open your env.php file and get the database credentials stored on the server. You will find an array in the env file and get the credentials from the key with the name "db". Prepare SQL Query Prepare your query whatever you want to export and then save it in a SQL file. You can prepare this file directly on the server or locally. If you want to move this file from local to production t

Sync prices in Magento from ERP system

Price synchronization is a critical aspect of e-commerce applications, and its importance cannot be understated. Price synchronization in e-commerce applications is essential for maintaining consistency, competitiveness, and customer trust. It also streamlines operations, reduces errors, and enables businesses to adapt to market changes, ultimately leading to better customer experiences and increased revenue. So it's important to have a fast and efficient synchronization process for syncing prices from another application to Magento. Let's see how we can achieve this. This is the main function that needs to be called for importing the price. In this, we can see we have imported the price for a multiwebsite setup. If you have a system with a single website, you can remove the loop and use the rest of the code. public function execute() { $prices = []; $websites = $this->systemConfig->getWebsites(); foreach ($websites as $website) { if (

A Comprehensive Guide to Magento 2 Store Configuration

In the ever-evolving world of e-commerce, Magento 2 stands as a powerful platform that empowers businesses to create and manage their online stores effectively. One of the critical aspects of setting up a successful store is configuring it correctly. In this guide, we'll walk through the essential store settings and configurations in Magento 2. Whether you're a Business Analyst, Product Analyst, Tester, or anyone involved in the e-commerce landscape, this blog will help you understand the vital actions, settings, and configurations needed to optimize your Magento 2 store. Before getting into configuration, we need to understand the multi-website & multi-store & multi-lingual concepts that are supported by Magento. Since this blog series is about configuration, I just want to mention that all configurations are based on stores & websites. In a simple way, we can have different configurations for differe